Objectives & Strategies
Green internationalized academic development and talent cultivation
NTTU aims to form an international green university-cum-GKE industrial innovation center to assist local industries toward the development and transformation of GKE industries. Furthermore, NTTU aims to establish successful models of smart, healthy urban and rural areas and new agricultural and circular economies through integrating interdisciplinary learning paths and driving teaching innovations, research development, and talent cultivation based in wisdom, health, sustainability, and aesthetics through collaborations with local industries.
Green internationalized academic innovation and professional services
Intelligent innovation, energy conservation, and a balanced ecosystem of the college campus can fully support NTTU’s teaching and autonomous learning culture; simultaneously, its service-oriented campus management demonstrates its professional, warm, harmonious, and efficient administrative culture. NTTU hopes its campus culture will be rooted in its faculty, staff, and students and have a positive influence on all visitors to the university.
Talent cultivation
Reinforcing interdisciplinary learning and curriculum teaching
Academic departments are dedicated to the development of courses and programs related to wisdom, health, sustainability, and aesthetics, integrating interdisciplinary learning paths to introduce core occupational capacities and employment paths. These courses and programs also combine the active engagement and investment of local GKE industries in teaching, research, promotion, talent cultivation, and international exchanges.
Enhancing professional skills and learning outcomes
NTTU will establish a rewards system to form a connected community that enables faculty and students to participate in international green university activities and a campus culture founded on wisdom, health, sustainability, and aesthetics. This rewards system—combined with integrated courses and student groups to conduct guided tours of demonstration sites, GKE industry tours, community tours, and international exchanges—will encourage commitment to specialized creations and achievements and establish learning outcomes. NTTU expects its entire faculty, staff, and student body to have a profound understanding of the international green university initiative and to embrace the principles of wisdom, health, sustainability, and aesthetics in their campus lives.
Academic development
Establishing academic research and industry–academia collaborations
Combined with NTTU’s industrial–academic Innovation Park, cloud-based big data services in Taitung, and the pilot plant of the East Taiwan Bio-Economic Center, the University will develop an innovation platform for GKE industries as well as knowledge and virtual integration services to become an international green university-cum-GKE industrial innovation center. NTTU is dedicated to the establishment of teachings and scientific and technological research that support the development of GKE industries, and will continue to assist local industries in their development toward and transformation into GKE industries and promote sustainable development in the region.
Strengthening outcome applications and establishing research features
NTTU will plan, integrate, and promote feature projects related to wisdom, health, sustainability, and aesthetics and propose a plan that combines governmental and nongovernmental efforts, as well as continue to strengthen research results through interdisciplinary cooperation. Moreover, NTTU will establish regional campus partnerships to bolster domestic and overseas university collaborations and services and extend exchanges and promotions.
Professional services
Participation in social services and care for local minorities
Through one-stop logistic management, NTTU will integrate academic (departments and institutes of NTTU’s three colleges) and research (all-level research centers) efforts with regional businesses, governmental agencies, and extramural research institutions to achieve practical effects and circular applications of interdisciplinary integrations. Additionally, NTTU will strengthen its links with local tribes through establishing an indigenous language learning center, cultivating indigenous language teachers, and opening indigenous language courses.
Intelligent campus
Abiding by NTTU's motto "Fairness, Sincerity, Love, and Dedication" as the principle of personal conduct, and adhering to the spirit of unremitting effort of NTTU’s anthem "Always Cautious and Diligent," we foreground " Create and Tolerate " as the key concept of university affairs development. Only by “creating” achievements can we contribute to our country and society; meanwhile, it is necessary to "tolerate" the creative process of others. On the other hand, on the premise that campus buildings comply with the Ecology, Energy Saving, Waste Reduction, and Health (EEWH) standards and continual progress is made toward intelligent, green buildings, NTTU will build pilot venues that integrate intelligent, green buildings with intelligent campus application interfaces to create an innovative campus that drives autonomous learning, health, and sustainability. Additionally, NTTU will develop an intelligent decision system for academic affairs to reinforce management efficacy and establish a long-term tracking and improvement system to reinforce achievement characteristics as an international green university. These efforts will gradually shape a learning, work, and living environment that is intelligent, healthy, sustainable, aesthetic, safe, diverse, and international, while encouraging NTTU faculty and students to engage in teaching, research, and project related to intelligent green campuses in implementing coherent campus management measures and service quality.
Aesthetic campus
Flanked by mountains and the ocean, NTTU incorporated public art into its campus design to show off the features of an international green university and establish the Eastern Taiwan Humanities Innovation Base, thereby creating an aesthetically pleasing environment. NTTU will continue to improve its artistic and cultural education and research and to encourage arts and cultural exchanges, thereby raising the artistic and cultural literacy of its faculty and students.
Innovations in institutional affairs
Healthy campus
Faculty and staff jointly pursue student-oriented, 3-A active lives: “Activity, Inter-Action, and Affecting.” Moreover, regarding the core of daily life such as food, clothing, housing, travel, education, and fun, we implement 4-S safe living: "Safe-Food, Safe-Housing, Safe-Travel, and Safe-Mind.” We expect each student to find personal fulfillment not only in academic life, but also in campus life: to achieve personal growth through various campus activities and social interactions to enhance a well-balanced life. Meanwhile, we will establish a friendly campus environment by implementing barrier-free concepts in buildings, spaces, and facilities. On the other hand, NTTU will reinforce health and safety management in its laboratories and for toxic substances to prevent potential disasters and ensure the health and safety of its faculty, staff, and students. NTTU will create a friendly campus environment with accessible buildings and spaces and reduce radiofrequency and electromagnetic waves in accordance with health and safety standards. Computer facilities will comply with ergonomic aids and anti-fatigue regulations to prevent injuries from long-term computer use and poor posture and introduce awareness of health-oriented computer use. NTTU will also reinforce catering education and environmental hygiene management to promote healthy dietary culture, personal health, and global sustainability.
Sustainable campuses
NTTU will push university-wide measures to reduce energy and water consumption as well as reduce waste—particularly paper and plastic. In addition, NTTU will do its best to preserve campus ecological environments in compliance with the principles of ecological protection and environmental beautification.
Internationalization of development
NTTU will promote study abroad and overseas relocation teaching programs to strengthen students’ actions and adaptability and cultivate innovative students who use their talents with great proficiency. Furthermore, NTTU will hold international Austronesian summer camps, accompany students participating in overseas exchange programs, and conduct immersive English programs to promote international exchange. NTTU will also build an internationally friendly campus that participates in international assessments to increase its visibility as an international green university.