NTTU's Actions for SDGs
Implementation of SDGs at NTTU
NTTU uses strategies and measures to promote SDGs through teaching, research, and internationalization.
Promote SDG-related courses
NTTU has positioned itself as a high-quality teaching university currently developing into a green international university. The school offers approximately 2,456 courses every academic year, including approximately 728 courses related to the environment, economics, and society, and approximately 29.6% of the courses related to the SDGs of the United Nations. At present, SDG-related courses are categorized as core courses of general education. In addition, such courses are mainly offered independently by department professors and teachers in the General Education Center. In the future, school-level SDG-related courses can be planned comprehensively to deepen students’ knowledge, improve their competence, and prompt action regarding sustainable development.
Incorporate the United Nations’ SDGs to promote specialized research
Taitung possesses a beautiful ecological and geographical environment with mountains and sea, as well as diverse ethnic cultures. However, problems relating to industrial development and education for the disadvantaged exist. NTTU incorporates United Nations SDGs to promote featured research and integrated cross-disciplinary research on ocean- and land-based ecological conservation, good health and social welfare, quality education, industrial innovation, sustainable consumption, and production models.
Establish international connections and expand impact
With SDGs as the linking theme, NTTU’s international influence in SDGs and international green universities is expanded through connections to international strategic partners. Specific actions taken will include conducting transnational research on SDGs, organizing SDG-themed seminars or workshops, participating in GreenMetric World University Rankings, participating in University Impact Rankings, and signing international initiatives related to SDGs or sustainable development, all of which expands the influence of National Taitung University through exchange and marketing.