Water Conservation
NTTU has an extensive water conservation plan (Figure below), which includes six pillars: water use management, water consumption reduction, treatment of wastewater generated in daily life, reuse of wastewater, water quality monitoring, and rainwater retention and flood prevention.
Furthermore, environmental impact assessment (EIA) was implemented prior to the Zhiben campus construction in 2004. It is required that NTTU reuse all the treated water for toilet flushing and plant watering. It is also an obligation for NTTU to report the reuse to the local government every three months.
There are two lakes at NTTU Zhiben campus. One has an area of 2.29 ha. and 1.8 m in depth (41,274 m3 in volume) and the other has an area of 0.41 ha. and 1.5 m in depth (6,202 m3 in volume). Both lakes play important roles in water conservation. The lakes provide storage space for rainwater. Periodically (every six months) water quality monitoring is performed over the two lakes. The lakes also serve as a natural habitat for many native species of waterfowl, fish, insects, birds and plants. Students are naturally respectful of the wild life that resides within campus. Egrets, bitterns, ducks and gallinules rely on the lake’s fish and ecosystem to breed and thrive.
Wastewater from every building including dormitories in Zhiben campus is collected through underground pipelines tunnel to flow by gravity to the wastewater treatment plant located at the lowest point in campus. The capacity of the wastewater treatment plant is 1200 m3/d. The average influent is about 310 m3/d.
The wastewater treatment plant on campus is a secondary biological treatment process (Figure below). Organics in wastewater are degraded by activated sludge microorganisms. Nitrogen in the waste water is removed by denitrification. The influent quantity and treated water quality (pH, SS, BOD, T-N, T-P, etc) is monitored every three months to assure to complied with the effluent standards of EPA regulations.
Waste water treatment plant operation daily records are conducted. The electricity usage reading, influent, effluent and reuse quantity (m3/d), activated sludge returned rate and etc. are recorded every day.
The treated water is then pumped into each building through a pumping station and recycled for toilet flushing, plant watering, etc (Figure below).